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Working from home is a great way to save money and time, but it comes with some unique challenges. I know that when I first started working from home back in March 2020 at the start of the pandemic, my productivity was nowhere near where it needed to be. Here are some tips for becoming more productive when you work at home:

Find your work spot

You can't be productive if you don't have a good work space. The first thing to do is find your work spot. This could mean anything from an office cubicle to a kitchen table or even just the couch in your living room. For some people, having an actual desk will help them feel more professional and prepared for their job, but for others it might not be essential at all - especially if you're new to this whole "working from home" thing! 

The next step is making sure that everything else is set up correctly: 

  •  A computer with internet access (and preferably one that doesn't use too much electricity) 
  •  A comfortable chair (it should also have good ergonomics) 
  •  Natural light coming through windows that aren't too far away from where they're needed

Make a schedule and stick to it

  • Set a routine, whether it's morning, afternoon or evening. 
  • Be consistent with your daily schedule no matter what time of year you're working from home.

Take breaks 

Taking breaks is important. Taking breaks allows you to recharge your batteries, so that when you return to work, you're more ready than ever to tackle the day's tasks. 

Taking regular breaks can help prevent burnout—and it's not just because some people work better in a more relaxed environment! Research has shown that taking regular breaks actually improves productivity by keeping us alert and focused on our current task while also giving us time away from our computers or phones (and thus less temptation). 

However getting into the habit of taking regular breaks has its own benefits too: it helps prevent distractions from outside sources such as email inboxes or social media feeds; it reduces stress levels; increases creativity levels; improves decision making capabilities; strengthens relationships between employees within an organization (if everyone knows what their role is then there won't be any confusion about who should do what); etc.

Reduce noise pollution 

This is a pretty obvious one, but it can be a bit tricky to pull off. Try making sure your phone is on silent and turning the TV off in another room of the house if you're not using it. If you need to listen to music while working, wear headphones—it'll help drown out distracting noises like your cat meowing at night or traffic outside that might wake you up during the day (and then make everything seem even more annoying). Using an app like white noise can help focus on work while blocking out other sounds like people talking around you at home or traffic outside of your office building. And if all else fails and there's no way around sleeping with earplugs in place... well... there isn't much else left for me but sleep deprivation!


I hope these tips help you to be more productive at work from home. Remember, the key is to do what works for you, so don’t be afraid to change things up and try new things if they work better for your schedule. If none of these tips seem like a good fit, then maybe it’s time for something different—like working remotely! This option can help you stay connected with the people in your life while also giving yourself all kinds of flexibility when it comes down time spent on tasks and projects.
Tesla Model Y Electric Car

Electric vehicles (EVs) are becoming an increasingly popular option for consumers looking for a more sustainable and eco-friendly mode of transportation. With advancements in technology and a growing awareness of the environmental impact of traditional gasoline-powered cars, EVs are becoming a viable alternative for many people.  

One of the biggest advantages of EVs is their low environmental impact. Unlike gas-powered cars, EVs produce no emissions, which means they don't contribute to air pollution or global warming. Additionally, many EVs are powered by renewable energy sources, such as solar or wind power, further reducing their carbon footprint.  

Another advantage of EVs is their cost-effectiveness. Although the upfront cost of an EV can be higher than a traditional gasoline-powered car, the cost of ownership is generally lower over time. This is because EVs have fewer moving parts, which means they require less maintenance, and the cost of electricity is typically lower than the cost of gasoline.  When it comes to charging, EV owners have a few options to choose from. The most common is Level 2 charging, which can charge an EV in a few hours. Level 3, or DC fast charging, can charge an EV to 80% in about 30 minutes. Many EV owners charge their car overnight, at home, using a Level 1 or Level 2 charging station.

The range of an EV is another consideration when thinking about purchasing one. The range is the distance an EV can travel on a single charge. The range of an EV can vary greatly depending on the model and the conditions under which the vehicle is driven. However, the average range of an EV is around 200 miles per charge.  

Kia EV6 Electric Car

As of now, there are several types of EVs available on the market today. There are pure electric vehicles (EVs) and hybrid electric vehicles (HEVs). Pure EVs are powered solely by an electric motor and battery, while HEVs have both an electric motor and a gasoline engine. Plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs) can also be charged by plugging them into an electrical outlet and drive longer distance on electric power alone.  

Some of the best electric cars on the market today are:  

Tesla Model 3: This electric car is known for its long range, fast charging capabilities and sleek design. The Model 3 has a range of over 300 miles per charge, and is considered one of the most affordable electric cars available. 

Tesla Model S: The Model S is a luxury electric car that boasts a range of over 400 miles per charge and is one of the quickest cars on the road. 

Chevrolet Bolt EV: The Bolt EV is an affordable electric car with a range of over 250 miles per charge. It also offers a comfortable ride and a spacious interior. 

Ford Mustang Mach-E: The Mustang Mach-E is a sporty electric SUV that offers a range of over 300 miles per charge, and is capable of reaching 60 mph in under 4 seconds. Audi e-tron: The e-tron is a luxury electric SUV that offers a range of over 200 miles per charge, and a comfortable and spacious interior. 

Nissan LEAF: The LEAF is one of the most popular electric cars in the world, it offers a range of up to 150 miles per charge and is known for its affordability and practicality. 

In conclusion, electric vehicles are becoming a more and more viable alternative to traditional gasoline-powered cars. With their low environmental impact, cost-effectiveness, and growing availability of charging infrastructure, EVs are an attractive option for many consumers. As technology continues to evolve, it is likely that we will see even more advancements in the EV market in the future.

It’s July, which means, hey everyone, we’re only about three months away from getting our hands on a new iPhone! In mid-September, Apple is expected to introduce its latest and greatest, the iPhone 12, in a host of price points and designs. No one knows for sure what they will look like, except that they will be built for working on the new, super-fast 5G wireless networks. But this we do know: the home screen is going to be very different, your apps will be gathered in a way they’re not now, making calls and scrolling through texts will be more visually interesting and you’ll be able to turn your car on and off with an iPhone. Maybe.
Those new features are part of iOS14, the latest update to Apple’s mobile operating system, which will be released in September, usually a week before the new iPhones are released. The new iOS provides the new look for the latest iPhones and works on older phones as well. 
Let’s run those features down:

1. Improved Home Screen

The Home screen redesign is to “give you more info at a glance,” says Apple, which means that in addition to your apps, you can also see, for instance, a ticker tape of news items, your calendar items or the weather. Savvy Android users know this feature has been available to them for several years but it'll be interesting to see how Apple and third party developers are able to integrate these new widgets into the iOS ecosystem.


2. The App Library
We all have too many apps nowadays, and they’re spread across multiple pages and folders with the most unused apps normally sitting a good 2 to 3 pages deep into the home screen pages. We've been able to manually sort them into folders for years. Now Apple is going to auto organize them into like-minded categories, like entertainment, social and shopping.

3. Translate

The Translate app is quite simple and there is not much you need to know to use it. Once you open the app, all you have to do is choose the language you want to translate and the language in which the content will be translated to. 

You can type text to be translated or use the dictation feature to translate what you say with your voice. iOS can read the translation with the correct pronunciation, which can be great not only for communicating with other people, but also for learning a different language. 

Users can bookmark the translations to check back later and the app also keeps a history of recent translations. The app works in 11 different languages, which are: Arabic, Chinese, English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Russian, and Spanish.

4. Starting Your Car

The most intriguing iOS 14 feature is called CarKeys, which lets you turn on and off your car from your iPhone, or even share the feature with a friend or loved one. “Hey Dad, can I borrow the car?” Just send him or her a text. However, the feature only works with new BMWs produced after July, 2020, so it's going to take a long time to get to your driveway. But worth salivating for, right?

You can check out all the new features of iOS 14 here.

Fancy taking part in the developer beta? You can download the new software here

Taking care of your car is an important skill to save your money on major repairs and to keep your car in good condition for longer. It’s obviously important to take your car to the garage for emergencies, but also for regular maintenance. It’s just as important to develop some simple habits for keeping your car in the best shape.

1. Never miss a service. Your car’s service is very important and should never be skipped. When your car is serviced, a mechanic will check it thoroughly and will find any small issues and correct them before they develop into bigger, and more expensive repairs. Get Fixed Price Servicing at Harwoods.

2. Keep an eye on the fluids. Keep the motor oil, power steering fluid, and coolant topped up as an easy way to maintain the performance of your car. To find out how to check and maintain your fluid levels, check your owner’s manual.

3. Get to know your owner’s manual. Take the time to look over your owner’s manual from time to time. There’s a lot to remember about taking care of a car, and you won’t be able to remember it all. By checking your manual, you can refresh your memory and make sure you know how to do everything properly. If you are buying a second-hand car, make sure you get the manual.

4. Pay attention to warning lights. Cars have a lot of systems of sensors and warning lights that will let you know all kinds of things, from whether you’ve forgotten to replace the gas cap to whether your tires are low on air. Learn what the different warning lights on your car mean and what you should do if one comes on. If you can’t fix the problem yourself, take your car to a mechanic if a light comes on.

5. Check your tire pressure. The right tire pressure is essential for helping your car to handle properly. It also reduces the risk of premature wear and tire failure. Tires lose air every day. Most cars have a tire pressure warning system, but these only come on when the tire pressure drops to a dangerously low level. To stop this from happening, check your tire pressure monthly and add air if needed. Your owner’s manual can tell you how to determine the correct pressure. Never overinflate your tires, as this is just as dangerous as leaving them underinflated.

6. Pay attention to how the car feels. You should know how the car feels to handle when it’s is operating as it should be. Once you can do this, it will be easier to notice when something is wrong. You might notice a vibration, shudder, jerk, bump, or hesitation, which is a sign that something has changed. If you notice anything strange, make a note of the time and conditions when the symptom happens so you can tell your mechanic.

By knowing how to manage basic maintenance on your car, you can keep your car running at it’s best. A well-running car is cheaper and more enjoyable to run.
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