I thought it was time i brought back a series from a little while ago called Weekly Wishlists. Each week I pull together my favourite new fashion arrivals from around the web and group them into chunks or trends. This week I thought I'd focus on a category that's sure to be big in the early part of 2018 - happy new year btw - Sweats!
The popularity of so-called "Loungewear" over the past few years has sky rocketed and it's high time that your Sunday Comfies got an upgrade. Sure enough, everywhere you look there are people out and about wearing what would formerly have been considered stay-at-home clothes. At one end of the spectrum, it’s no longer a surprise to see people in pyjamas at the supermarket, or in their cars on the school run. At the other end, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg has taken loungewear into the boardroom with his trademark hoodie look. I've picked the best of the bunch below so enjoy!
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Jack Wills Cruxton Crew | ASOS Pink Contrast Sweatshirt | Acne Fleece-Back Crew Topman Navy & Cream Joggers | Rag & Bone Slim-fit Sweatpants | Paul Smith Cotton Sweatpants Shop The Looks |
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It still hasn’t quite sunk in that it’s now 2018. Seriously, where has the time gone?! For the first time in forever I don’t feel anxious and uneasy about the new year starting, it just feels like another day, which I love! It’s that time of year again, time to look ahead to the next twelve months and do some goal setting!
1. Travel to at least 3 new places
I don’t think a list of goals would be complete without striving for some more travelling. Over the last year I have become a real homebody so hopefully this year I can get out of my comfort zone and explore new places. Topping my list is Prague, Bath and Canada.
2. Be more content
This is my number one goal for 2018. To be more content. To spend less time contemplating what other people think of me, how I should be spending my time, who I should be spending time with. Basically I want to feel happier and more secure in my own skin and to feel totally content with the decisions I’m making.
Instagram is not real life. Yet I compare myself to others on there on a daily basis! I honestly didn’t realize I was even doing it at first. I would spend hours looking at other bloggers perfectly curated stories & IG feeds and would think thoughts like “Wow, they’re so much more successful than I am”. This year I need to put my focus into my OWN content and stay in my lane. I no longer want to compare myself to other people’s highlight reels on social media.
3. Plan blog content & post consistently
This year I want to create and stick to a content calendar. Planning out blog post content so I can share posts on a consistent basis is a main goal for 2018. It always helps when I create a very organized calendar, so that’s what I need to do!
4. Grow my socials
I've had some pretty good growth across my socials over 2017 but would really like to take it to the next level this year! I'm hoping goal 3 can help massively with this - posting content consistently is kew for growing an engaged audience so that's the plan. My goals are 2k on Twitter and 20k on IG. You can follow me on most platforms @MattMaidment
5. Minimise
I'm by no means an expert in minimalist living but i did have a good go at it earlier in 2017. I wrote a blog post about my experience here. I'd love to get back into this in the early part of this year and really make an effort to de-clutter and minimise unnecessary purchases. No-spend January here i come!
Do you believe in making goals and resolutions? Have you made any for 2018? I’d love to hear about them!
1. Travel to at least 3 new places
I don’t think a list of goals would be complete without striving for some more travelling. Over the last year I have become a real homebody so hopefully this year I can get out of my comfort zone and explore new places. Topping my list is Prague, Bath and Canada.
2. Be more content
This is my number one goal for 2018. To be more content. To spend less time contemplating what other people think of me, how I should be spending my time, who I should be spending time with. Basically I want to feel happier and more secure in my own skin and to feel totally content with the decisions I’m making.
Instagram is not real life. Yet I compare myself to others on there on a daily basis! I honestly didn’t realize I was even doing it at first. I would spend hours looking at other bloggers perfectly curated stories & IG feeds and would think thoughts like “Wow, they’re so much more successful than I am”. This year I need to put my focus into my OWN content and stay in my lane. I no longer want to compare myself to other people’s highlight reels on social media.
3. Plan blog content & post consistently
This year I want to create and stick to a content calendar. Planning out blog post content so I can share posts on a consistent basis is a main goal for 2018. It always helps when I create a very organized calendar, so that’s what I need to do!
4. Grow my socials
I've had some pretty good growth across my socials over 2017 but would really like to take it to the next level this year! I'm hoping goal 3 can help massively with this - posting content consistently is kew for growing an engaged audience so that's the plan. My goals are 2k on Twitter and 20k on IG. You can follow me on most platforms @MattMaidment
5. Minimise
I'm by no means an expert in minimalist living but i did have a good go at it earlier in 2017. I wrote a blog post about my experience here. I'd love to get back into this in the early part of this year and really make an effort to de-clutter and minimise unnecessary purchases. No-spend January here i come!
Do you believe in making goals and resolutions? Have you made any for 2018? I’d love to hear about them!
Before starting my blog I kept on going back and forth debating with myself. I wasn’t sure if I could actually do it, what benefits it would have, and if anyone would read it. Now, after a couple of years or so of blogging I am so glad I created one. It has helped me grow as a person and is the perfect way to spend my extra time. It can be hard work, but overall the benefits outweigh the hardships.
I put together my top tips of things you should be focusing on if you’re considering starting a blog, or if you’re a newbie blogger trying to improve. These are things I wish I’d done, and some things I’m still working on! If you’re considering diving into the blogging world or just getting started, this might be helpful to you. There’s endless reasons why you may want to start a blog, but I wanted to highlight a few good ones incase you haven’t plucked up the courage to hit publish… yet.
1. You want to find a way to connect with others
Absolutely my favourite thing about blogging and social media in general is connecting with other like-minded people. There is nothing better. It’s not always applicable to meet online friends in real-life if you don’t live close to one another, but having an online space to come together and share your journey is great. You’ll be able to build relationships with your readers, as well as other bloggers. It’s great to connect with others, share stories, talk, and support each other.
2. You want to find a career
Now blogging might not become your full time job (although it could), but it can help you figure out your passions in life. You may discover you like writing and want to work for a magazine or be a journalist. Or you may discover you like photography and pursue that. Or you may want to work in fashion or for a lifestyle brand. The possibilities are endless, but starting something as a hobby is a great way to discover what you’re passionate about. And having a blog doesn’t hurt.
I learned really quickly that there is no such thing as work-life balance. It is virtually impossible to find the perfect balance. But, you can find what works for you. Think about what your ultimate goals are. Do you want to quit your day job? Work from home to have more time with your kids (or dog, lol)? Do you want millions of followers and to run your own business? Or do you just want a creative outlet? Figure out what your goal is and let that guide you to finding the right “balance”.
3. You're looking for a new (FREE) hobby
It’s important in life to find something you enjoy doing when you’re not working or in school. Blogging can be a great hobby, and you can do it all for free! Blogger is a platform by Google that allows you to create a blog in minutes, and all you need is an email address. If you want you can buy a design, but they offer free ones that you can customize.
4. You have something to say
I wouldn’t advise to start a blog just because they seem to be ‘popular’ and you want to hop on the bandwagon. I mean, you do you, but if you have something to say, that’s a great reason to join the Blogosphere in my opinion. If you are passionate about a certain topic, whether that be technology, gaming, or mental health, a blog is the perfect opportunity for you to share that with other people, and a space where your passion will thrive to even greater lengths.
Just remember to plan your content! When you plan your content in advance, you give yourself a little wiggle room for those days you just don’t feel like creating. If you don’t have something to fall back on, you end up with huge gaps in your posting schedule (like The Guy on Trend unfortunately has sometimes), which looks kinda lazy. Consistency is crucial not only to maintain and grow your readers, but it also looks great to potential sponsors!
A lot of men are totally clueless when it comes to jewellery and avoid it entirely while others tend to overdo it completely and wear far too much of it. You should be aiming for somewhere in the middle of these two extremes. We understand that this can be a particularly difficult area of fashion for the average man which is why we have created this man’s guide to wearing jewellery which covers four of the main points regarding this topic. So, without further ado, let’s dive right in...
Keep it simple
If you are a jewellery novice, your best starting point is to keep things simple. Your most obvious starting point is to choose a watch. A classic leather-strapped silver one is a nice option that looks great on everyone. As you will be wearing your watch on a daily basis, you want to make sure that you are totally happy with it before purchase. The next natural place to branch out to is tie accessories and cufflinks. Once you are comfortable with these standard pieces, you can start to be a little more adventurous.Match metals
Most male jewellery is metallic - gold and silver tones are the most common and obvious. A good rule of thumb is for your outfits to only feature one metal tone at a time. So, if you are going to look at men's tungsten rings, don’t go for other items of an entirely different shade. As a general guide, gold is a warmer colour that suits earthier tones like browns, as well as deep hues like royal blue. Silver can be paired with black or dark grey for a timeless look. The exception of colour-matching is your wedding ring as this doesn’t matter so much if it doesn’t match perfectly with the rest of your clothing or jewellery.Understand the symbolism
All jewellery as symbolism, so it is worth reading up a bit about this before your go for any items. For example, ornamental rings symbolise wealth and power, so you may want to be careful about wearing these unless you are sure that this is the sort of image you are looking to convey. Generally, you should look to avoid ostentatious styles, keeping your jewellery choices small and sleek. It is also a nice idea to wear jewellery that has a story rather than things which have been mass-produced. Save your best items for the big occasions in life rather than wearing them on a daily basis.Jewellery & Dress codes
When you are in a professional setting, you are better off not making any decisions which are too bold. Go back to the standard pieces which we discussed at the start - tie pin, cufflinks, watch. You are better off expressing yourself outside of working hours. If you realise that you have made a terrible mistake regarding jewellery, you can stay safe in the knowledge that it is easy to take off and slip discreetly into your pocket.
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