A Lifestyle, Grooming And Technology Blog

Monday 13 March 2017

Staying Motivated & Overcoming "The Block"

For some reason towards the end of last year I started feeling really sluggish and unmotivated to blog and create new content. The start of 2017 had me feeling those "new year new me" feels and so I wanted to start posting much more regularly - ideally 2-3 times per week was the aim. And let's be honest, I've not exactly succeeded with that so far. There's nothing worse than putting an entire Saturday afternoon and evening aside to get blogging and then find you have absolutely no idea what to write about. 

Although I've not done the most amazing job I thought I'd share some of the ways I try and break through bloggers block to create and share content that feels relevant and honest. 

One of the best things I did recently was re-writing my about me page. Not only is it the window into your content for prospective new readers to find out more about you and the reasons you create the content you do, but also the easiest way for brands to consider whether you might be right for a collaboration with them.

I admit I had a bit of a wobble a couple of months ago and started questioning what this little corner of the internet i call my blog was even about, and why anyone would want to subscribe! I went back a read one of the first posts I ever wrote (but never actually posted!) about why i wanted to start blogging in the first place and what experiences and opinions I wanted to share with the world. This soon got me inspired and the posts just started flowing after that!

My next tip is to stop comparing yourself to others. I went through a phase (and still often do) of reading some of my favourite blogs then becoming really uninspired to write anything myself. "Why would people want to read my blog after seeing amazing content like this?!". They key here is to take inspiration from other people's fantastic content then get commenting and involve yourself in blogger chats to understand how you can collaborate with others to create great new ideas.

Whatever you love writing about - just do it. A bit of a cliche phrase I know but hey Nike can make it work so why can't I? This is all about not being tempted to write about specific topics or products just to get noticed. It's so much easier to write about things that make you happy. Never create content purely with the intention of getting paid or getting more followers. Never be disheartened by the fact that a post you've put hours and hours into doesn't get 10,000 views the first week you publish it for the world to see! The right readers might just be round the corner.

 Anyway, this has been a bit of ramble. But that's a good thing I think from time to time. What keeps you motivated to keep on blogging?



Minty Frosting said...

Love this. A good reminder for all ventures...whether it's blogging or another passion.

- Greta

Gemma said...

Great post, I think we can all relate to this... thanks for the inspiration.

Gemma x

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